How to lock and unlock your keypad?
The “lock” function that is on some keypad models can be very useful if you do not want guests or children (who should never be left unattended in a spa) meddling with system settings, while still allowing them to change massage jets or light settings.
Obviously, if you want to lock your keypad, you also need to know how to unlock it. If you do not know how to restart it, we’ve explained how to unlock the keypad, depending on your control system. You can skip to whichever one is installed on your spa by clicking on the links below.
- Balboa control systems
- Gecko X and Y control systems
- Astrel and Gecko SSPA and MSPA control systems
- Spa Power control systems
- Waterway control systems
- Spanet control systems
Feel free to refer to the keypad instructions provided by the manufacturer, or to contact us if you have questions.
Spas using Balboa control systems
GS range
Only the GS-xxxDZ systems (GS501DZ, GS510DZ, GS520DZ and GS523DZ) can be locked using VL801D and VL802D keypads
To lock the panel: press "Time", "Blower" and "Warm" within 3 seconds. All keys are disabled except the "Time" key
To unlock the panel: press "Time", "Blower" and "Cool" within 2 seconds
To lock the temperature: press “Warm”, “Time”, “Blower” and “Warm” within 3 seconds. The “Warm” and “Cool” buttons are now disabled
To unlock the temperature: press “Time”, “Blower” and “Cool” within 2 seconds
On some systems, you have to press the "Jets 1" button instead of the "Blower" button to lock/unloch your system.
BP range
BP600, BP2000 and BP2100G1 control systems can be locked.
For TP400W, TP500 and TP600 keypads there are many locking options, so we recommend that you refer to the user manual. To unlock the panel, while holding down the "Temperature" button (or the "Up" button if you do not have the "Temperature" button), gently press and release the "Light" button twice.
For TP800 and TP900 keypads, choose the "Lock" option from the menu and define the settings to lock your keypad. To unlock it, press the "Select" button twice (the central button on the right of the keypad) and "Down" button once.
For the spaTouch touchscreen keypad, choose the "Lock" option from the menu and define the settings to lock your keypad. To unlock it, press the central grey button for 5 seconds.
GL range
GL systems (GL2000 M3, GL2001 M3 and GL8000) can be locked depending on your keypad.
For ML700 and ML900 keypads, press "Time", "Jets 1" and then "Warm" within 3 seconds to lock your keypad. Once locked, the "PL" indicator light will illuminate. All buttons are locked except the time button. To unlock the panel, press "Time", "Jets 1" and then "Cool".
ML200, ML240, ML260, ML400, ML551 and ML554 keypads do not have the locking option if they are used as a main panel. If one of these keypads is used as an auxiliary panel, it will lock and unlock with the main panel.
Spas using Gecko X and Y series control systems
Only the in.k500 keypad can be locked via the "Keypad settings" menu.
Lock: select one of the 3 security levels, "Unlocked", "Partial" or "Complete". The partial level locks the setpoint setting and several options in the settings menu. The "Complete" level locks all keypad functions.
Unlock (partial or complete): press the upper right key for 5 seconds.
Spas using Gecko SSPA and MSPA systems, and Astrel systems
Gecko MSPA and SSPA systems, as well as systems made by Astrel can be partially or totally locked with TSC-4 ( 8 or 10-button versions), TSC-8 and TSC-18 keypads.
When the panel is fully locked, all functions are disabled. When the panel is partially locked, the basic functions remain accessible (pump, turbine and light activation), but it is not possible to change the set temperature, disable the Economy Mode or access the programming mode.
Locking: Press the "Pump 1" button for 5 seconds. The screen will display "LocP". Release the key and the keypad will be partially locked. Press and hold the key for an additional 5 seconds and the keypad will be fully locked. The screen will display "LocF". When the keypad is locked, all automatic functions remain active. The "LocP" or "LocF" message appears if you press a key
Unlocking: Press the Pump 1 button for 5 seconds.
Spas using Spa Power systems
The SP800 and SP1200 SpaPower control systems can be locked with SP800 and SP1200 keypads
Locking: Press and hold the "Down", "Scroll" and "Up" keys simultaneously. The LCD screen will display "Hold the keys to activate the lock". Keep holding down the buttons for about three seconds to activate the lock. The touchpad will beep and display "Keypad Lock".
Unlocking: press the "Down", "Scroll", "Down", "Up", and "Scroll" buttons, in that order. The touchpad will beep and temporarily display "Keypad Unlocked" when the sequence is correctly entered.
If the controller is turned off while the key lock is active, the key lock will not be restored when the power is restored.
Spas using Waterway systems
The Waterway NEO2100 control system can be locked using the 1100 and 2100 keypads
Locking: three locking options are available. "Panel" locks all keys except "Menu". "Temp" allows you to lock only the temperature. "Menu" allows you to lock everything.
Unlocking: press the "Menu" button for 15 seconds to unlock the keypad once it is in lock mode.
Spas using SpaNet systems
The SpaNet (XS-2000, XS-3000 and XS4000) control systems can be locked via the XS3000 keypad
Locking: press and hold the "Top", "Bottom" and "Pump 1" buttons simultaneously for two seconds until you hear a beep
Unlocking: repeat the same combination.